Estimated Tax Payments Due Today: How to Calculate and Pay Your Estimated Taxes
Learn how to calculate your IRS estimated tax payments, how to pay them, and the consequences of missing today's payment deadline. Stay compliant and avoid penalties.
Understanding the Extended Federal Income Tax Return Filing Deadline
Asking to extend the deadline for filing the tax return gives more time to gather the necessary information and prepare the tax return without a late filing penalty.
Managing Tax Underpayments: Understanding IRS Interest Rates and Exploring Cost-Effective Solutions
The IRS announced that the interest rates on tax underpayments (i.e., taxes owed but not fully paid) for the fourth quarter of 2024 will remain at 8%, starting from October 1, 2024.
Navigating Tax Return Deadlines: A Guide for Individuals and Businesses
As tax return filing deadlines approach, staying informed about filing deadlines is crucial. Whether you’re an individual taxpayer or a business owner, understanding these dates can help you avoid penalties and ensure compliance with the IRS.
Did you know that the world's first tax was levied in ancient Egypt?
The world's first tax was levied in ancient Egypt around 3000 BCE. The tax was called the "heqat" and it was a tax on agricultural land, that was collected by the pharaoh and used to fund the government and public works projects. The word "tax" comes from the Latin word "taxa", which means "assessment".