Reminder: File Quarterly Form 941 and Colorado Tax Return by October 31
Businesses paying wages—file your IRS Form 941 and Colorado Department of Labor tax return by October 31. Stay compliant to avoid penalties.
Understanding the Extended Federal Income Tax Return Filing Deadline
Asking to extend the deadline for filing the tax return gives more time to gather the necessary information and prepare the tax return without a late filing penalty.
Navigating Tax Return Deadlines: A Guide for Individuals and Businesses
As tax return filing deadlines approach, staying informed about filing deadlines is crucial. Whether you’re an individual taxpayer or a business owner, understanding these dates can help you avoid penalties and ensure compliance with the IRS.
House Rejects Proposal to Increase State and Local Tax Deduction Cap of $10k for Married Couples
House Democrats and Republicans voted against a proposal to increase the cap on state and local tax deductions for married couples with adjusted gross incomes below $500,000 for the fiscal year 2023.
The Name that Goes First on the Tax Return Can Reveal a lot About the Taxpayers’ Beliefs and Attitudes
When couples file their taxes, the decision of whose name goes first can reveal a lot about their beliefs and attitudes, according to a recent study. While some couples may be shifting their ways, the IRS discourages changing the order of names on a joint tax return.